Equipment Rebuilds & Reconditioning
Our 17,000 square-feet heavy equipment reconditioning center, located in Salem, Virginia, is devoted exclusively to refurbishing Cat engines, transmissions, torque converters, powertrains and other specialized systems and components. This approach is designed to help you control capital expenditures, reduce unscheduled downtime and enhance heavy equipment performance and reliability.
Thanks to our distribution network, we are able to start the disassembly process in the field or at one of our shops. We then ship a Cat part overnight to our reconditioning center and have it back to you quickly.

Carter Machinery Cat Rebuild Plans:

Cat Certified Machine Rebuilds
Restore your Cat machine to like-new performance. After a thorough reconditioning, your heavy machinery will be assigned a new serial number from Caterpillar.

Cat Certified Powertrain Rebuilds
Restore your Caterpillar power train to like-new performance, increasing productivity on your work site.

Cat Certified Powertrain Rebuild “PLUS”
You get the like-new performance of a Cat Certified Powertrain Rebuild, “PLUS” the option of reconditioning any other part of your machine, according to your needs and budget.

Carter Classic Machine Rebuilds
Rebuilds are customized according to your Cat machine condition and budget, allowing them to be completed with maximum flexibility and economy.

Carter Classic Powertrain Rebuilds
Rebuilds are the most cost-effective way to keep your Cat heavy machinery on the job for immediate needs.