Engine & Powertrain Rebuilds
Depending on their workload, the typical lifespan of engine and powertrain components are 10,000-20,000 hours. When that time is up, engine & powertrain rebuilds can restore your power system’s reliability and performance to like-new condition. Overhauling engine components is generally less disruptive, economical, and efficient solutions than a total replacement.

Our Service & Facility
Our reconditioning centers throughout our territory are devoted exclusively to refurbishing Cat® engines, transmissions, torque converters, powertrains, and other specialized systems and components. Regardless of your location, our team of certified technicians can meet your needs. We help you control capital expenditures, reduce unscheduled downtime, and enhance heavy equipment performance and reliability. When you choose Carter Power Systems for your rebuilds, you can expect the following solutions:
- Field or Shop Service Available
- Complimentary Dyno Testing for In-Shop Service
- Nights & Weekends Scheduled Service Available
- Most Rebuilds Completed Within 1-5 Weeks
- Top-End and Major Overhauls Include 1-Year Warranty on Parts and Labor
- Extended Warranty Coverage Available