Luck Stone
According to Butch Rakes, Luck Stone’s Mobile Equipment Manager, their loyalty to Carter Machinery and Caterpillar is driven by their ability to consistently deliver the lowest overall owning and operating costs in the industry.
Leslie Mini Excavating and Landscaping, LLC
Chris Leslie started his business from the ground-up, literally. From a one man, one machine operation doing yard finishing to a diversified business offering lawn care, landscaping and excavation services, he has always placed a high importance on reliable support and peace-of-mind. Today, Chris owns four Cat machines and numerous attachments. Beyond just the quality of his Cat equipment, he values the relationships formed through those at Carter. The feeling is mutual.

Boxley Materials Company

For over a century, Boxley has been recognized as a leader in the various facets of their business. They operate based on a clear set of values referred to as “The Boxley Way”. From working safely to earning profits to support their growth, they are focused on success. They also believe in building long-term relationships. Carter Machinery is proud to be a partner with Boxley, dating back to our own company’s beginning. Through a deep understanding of their needs and objectives, we are able to provide them with equipment that increases productivity and services that maximize uptime.
Charles City Forest Products
As a fourth-generation run business, Charles City Forest Products understands success doesn’t come by chance. It’s the result of hard work and dependable partners. Whether they’re working deep in the woods or at the mill, they know Carter is just a phone call away when support is needed. From parts and service to equipment financing, our relationship is forged through open and honest communication that allows us to evolve with their changing needs.