Endless Solutions for Professional Landscapers:
A Guide to Toro Dingo Attachments

As the busy season approaches, professional landscapers are gearing up to tackle a range of projects that require heavy-duty equipment. From hole digging and stump grinding to trenching and material handling, landscapers need reliable solutions to get the job done efficiently and effectively. Fortunately, with the right equipment and attachments, the solutions are endless.

One of the most versatile and multifunctional pieces of equipment available to landscapers is the Toro Dingo. With the ability to handle a wide range of tasks, the Toro Dingo is an essential tool for any professional landscaper. And with a variety of attachments available, including augers, power box rakes, hammers, grab pulls, trenchers, and soil cultivators, the Dingo can be customized to meet the specific needs of any project.

For hole digging, the auger attachment is a must-have. Whether you’re digging holes for fence posts or planting trees, the auger makes quick work of even the toughest soil conditions. For larger projects that require moving large quantities of material, the power box rake attachment is an excellent choice. With the ability to quickly and efficiently move soil, rocks, and other debris, the power box rake is an essential tool for any landscaper.

The Toro Dingo’s hammer attachment is an efficient solution when you are tasked with breaking concrete, asphalt, rock, or brick during renovation jobs. And for trenching and material handling, the trencher and grab pull attachments are invaluable.

But perhaps the most versatile attachment available for the Toro Dingo is the soil cultivator. With the ability to loosen soil and prepare it for planting, the soil cultivator is an essential tool for any landscaper who wants to ensure that their plants thrive.

At Carter Rental, we understand that your company has endless opportunities, which is why we offer a range of Toro Dingo models and attachments to meet your specific needs. From the Toro Dingo TX1000 to the Toro Dingo TX525, we have the right equipment for any job. And with our promotional offer, through the end of September, you can rent a Dingo and receive any attachment rental free. So why wait? Contact Carter Rental today and let us help you find the perfect solution for your next project.